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Alzheimer’s Disease- Where Can I Find Out More?

In this modern age of advanced medicine and medical research, could there be a cure for Alzheimer’s disease somewhere out there? Numerous questions arise as the number of people afflicted by this disease increases annually. Could our diet play a role? Does our own DNA play a role?  What causes this condition, and why does it seem more prevalent today? Where can I find reliable information on Alzheimer’s disease for myself or my family members?

Finding Help

Although you or your family member’s physician may be the most up-to-date on your medical history, they may refer you to a doctor that specializes in aging minds, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia in order to get the most appropriate treatment. In addition to finding the right doctor, you may also want to follow the leading research universities focusing on Alzheimer’s disease.  Some of these include: 


Join a Support Group

A support group may be a great idea for you and/or your family member suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.   Support groups can provide you real insight from people going through the same things that you are going through. From the latest research to finding ways to live with the disease, a wealth of knowledge can be shared among these groups. Some in these groups have likely already been where you or your family members are, and that compassion and empathy from them often has immeasurable benefit.  

If you need help finding a support group in your area you can visit Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA). Support groups are there for those living with the disease, as well as those living with someone who has the disease.

Are Natural Alternatives the Right Choice?

There are numerous alternative treatments out there that claim to reverse or even cure Alzheimer’s disease.  You have to be careful when going this route to treat yourself or your loved one.  There may be some reputable firms that perform great research, but there are twice as many gimmick solutions for every one of those.  You shouldn’t reach for natural alternatives out of desperation or exhaustion. Do your research, and consult with your physician about any possible alternative therapies that may benefit you or your family member.

Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t just affect the patient, but also the entire family.  Please know that there is help out there for those diagnosed with the disease, and those caring for a family member affected by the disease. You are not alone.

Dwell at Home is here to help.

Dwell at Home is bringing in-home senior care into the palm of your hand with a mobile application that values convenience, personalized mentorship, and trust.  You can download the app in the Apple App store today by clicking here !

Dwell at Home is not a licensed medical professional and all information provided is provided “as is” with no warranties. You should consult a licensed physician for any questions related to your health.  Dwell at Home makes no guarantee about any application or third party web site mentioned in any article on this web site.