

Agency App Notice

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Our New Agency App

Digital technology is changing the way we live, from catching a ride to ordering a pizza. In our contemporary society, convenience is the name of the game.  Smartphones and tablets literally bring this technology to our fingertips. It’s a fast paced world and we can do almost anything from our smart devices today.

There's an App for That

Smartphones and tablets come configured with many pre-installed programs called Apps. You can also download additional apps to your device according to your interests and needs. You shop for these using the app store on your device, with many of them being free, and some at a small cost. There are literally millions of apps to choose from. For instance, to add a little humor to this article, how about the “Sit or Squat” app?this is an app that helps you find restrooms all over the world. It not only gives you the location, but also informs you of whether the restroom is clean or dirty. It describes each facility in detail.


Examples of Apps include:

Units- Converts international currencies, yards to meters, etc.

iTranslate- Translates between over 100 languages.

Pandora- Allows you to listen to virtually any genre of music.

Flashlight- Just what it says!

Pill Reminder- Reminder to take your medication when it’s due.


These are just a very small sampling of what is available! There are generally several options for what you might be looking for, so check them all out to see which one best fits your needs.  You can always delete the one that does not work for you.

Apps for Seniors

Software developers have also found ways to cater to the senior population. There are a number of apps that are designed specifically for the elderly and serve to make their lives easier, safer and all around better. 


Examples of Senior Apps include:

Senior Discount Club- Saves seniors money on a number of various products based on their preferences.

Snug Safety- Daily check-in partner for people who live alone. A “check in” time is set and if the senior does not respond at the designated time then someone is sent out to check in on them.

Easy Tablet Help for Seniors- iPad training program for older adults who are unfamiliar with computer technology.

My Med Schedule- Reminds the elderly when each of their medications are due. 

Train Your Brain- Exercises memory through various fun games. A great way to get creative and stimulate the brain!

Dwell at Home- Values mentorship by pairing seniors with ideal caregivers based on common interests, personality and needs.


Again, these are just a few examples of the thousands of apps that are specifically designed for seniors. With so many available, there is something available to benefit you and your loved one, and make your lives easier. Take advantage of these opportunities and live your best life.

Check out our app!

Dwell at Home is bringing in-home senior care into the palm of your hand with a mobile application that values convenience, personalized mentorship and trust.  You can download the app in the Apple App store today by clicking here